At Peachgrove Intermediate school we pride ourselves by celebrating a diverse range of cultures. The Pacifica cultural group is lead by three passionate teachers, Ms Jamison, Mr James and Whaea Prem. These teachers have helped students to share and showcase part of their cultural heritage with their peers through dance and performance.
At Peachgrove Intermediate we are committed to providing our students with a stimulating two year educational programme focusing on continuous improvement of academic results. We also offer a wide variety of extra-curricula activities in music, sport, outdoor education and cultural experiences. We encourage students to take advantage of as many of these varied opportunities as possible.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Algorithm: Working Form
WALT: Complete Unfinished Work
Shopping Cart
- All mathsmate sheets for terms 1 & 2 need to be completed and signed by your parents.
- Spelling LSCWC needs to be completed.
- All reading activities need to be completed.
- Inquiry Projects need to be fully completed by Thursday.
- Maori Motif's need to be completed, laminated and recorded for the blog.
- i-movies: Advertising Peachgrove (This needs to have your garage band music and photo's from the what's been happening folder)
- Observational Drawing
- Portraits (Optional)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Shuffle Dance Off WInners
Friday, June 26, 2009
Karioi Sports Class Rotation
Students from the sports class (room 9) used their skills and passion of their chosen sport to teach others students from Karioi. Before teaching their sessions, students must submit a lesson plan to their teacher, Mr Blair Cocks for approval. Students have four lessons to teach a group of 10 students. Each session needs to have a warm up, skill builder and a game based on the skills being taught. At the completion of the fourth lesson, a game is played against another group of who are learning the same skills.
Sports codes and skills that are being coached include, Rugby, Netball, Hockey, Soccer and Tennis.
Students are then assessed by their peers by what they liked, disliked and what they could do to imptove next time.
Thank you very much sports coaches. You were all very professional in your approach to teaching other students from Karioi. Tumeke!
Sports Camp Chants
This is a collection of some of the sports camp chants.
SENZ are part of a development programme that helps young people who are looking for a career in sports and leisure. As part of their training, they refereed most of the game.
Sports Camp 2009
This is a selection of some of our elite sporting students who were chosen to represent our school at sports camp. They competed against other elite students from other schools such as Glen Eden, Takapuna, Melville, Otumoetai, Matamata, Northcross and Blockhouse Bay. (I think this is right, Aroha Mai if it ain't!)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
You need 6 numbers with heads or tails. What would your numbers be and would it heads, or will it be tails?
NOTE: This is not to encourage gambling, but rather to allow students to creatively write about they would do if they, or their family had won the BIG WEDNESDAY LOTTO DRAW.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Matariki: The Maori New Year
Matariki is the Maori name for the group of stars also known as the Pleiades star cluster or The Seven Sisters; and what is referred to as the traditional Maori New Year.
When is the Maori New Year?
The Maori new year is marked by the rise of Matariki and the sighting of the next new moon. The pre-dawn rise of Matariki can be seen in the last few days of May every year and the new year is marked at the sighting of the next new moon which occurs during June. This next occurs on 5 June 2008.
What does Matariki mean?
Matariki has two meanings, both referring to a tiny constellation of stars; Mata Riki (Tiny Eyes) and Mata Ariki (Eyes of God).
Why is Matariki important?
Traditionally, depending on the visibility of Matariki, the coming season's crop was thought to be determined. The brighter the stars indicated the warmer the season would be and thus a more productive crop. It was also seen as an important time for family to gather and reflect on the past and the future.
Why do we celebrate Matariki today?
Today Matariki means celebrating the unique place in which we live and giving respect to the land we live on.
How is Matariki celebrated?
Matariki is celebrated with education, remembrance and the planting of new trees and crops signalling new beginnings. Matariki was the optimum time for new harvests, and ceremonial offerings to the land-based gods Rongo, Uenuku and Whiro to ensure good crops for the coming year. It was also seen as a perfect time to learn about the land we live on and to remember whakapapa (ancestry) who have passed from this world to the next and the legacy they left behind.
How long do celebrations last?
Traditionally celebrations lasted up to 3 days after the new moon had risen following Matariki becoming visible
Who celebrates Matariki?
Anyone who wishes to participate
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Calling all Pokemon Users
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Swine Flu inquiry questions
•Who was the first person to get swine flu?
•Why haven’t scientists found a cure yet?
•What happens to the dead bodies of people who have had s/f?
•When will s/f mutate?
•How fast will it spread?
•Why is it spreading so fast?
•How do you know if people have swine flu?
•What's going to happen if s/f turns to code red? (At the moment we are sitting at a code yellow)
•What would happen if hospitals run out of space to treat people with s/f?
•What would the ministry of education do if one student at Peachgrove Int had s/f?
•What was the first school to close down in the world due to s/f?
•How will s/f affect the school, our families our community and jobs?
•Why is s/f such a big issue?
•What is a pandemic?
•What makes s/f a pandemic?
•How does swine flu infect people?
•Are there people out there trying to spread it? How is it spread?
•What are swine flu parties?
•What does quarantine mean?
•What forms of hygiene should we follow to avoid catching s/f? i.e. face masks.
•Will a surgical mask protect me from swine flu?
•Which businesses would be most at risk?
•What can do if your family is quarantined?
•Is swine flu from pigs?
•Can animals die from s/f?
•Can people be immune from s/f?
•Could public facilities/parks /supermarkets/public transport be closed because of swine flu?
•What can you do to prepare yourself to not get s/f
•What are the basic precautions of s/f
Decimal Squares
I'm not feeling very well and must have eaten too much greasy fish n chips. The next shared lunch will be a healthy one. Please listen to your teachers and follow instrcuctions the first time. Abdullahi and Corban, please do not get your names on the board. Or else, Dictionary!
Here is a fun maths activity to do in pairs. It involves 8 interactive maths games around place value. Have a go and comment your thoughts to this post, saying which activity you liked or disliked the most and why.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Te iti Kahurangi
This is a performance by one of the best Kapa Haka groups in New Zealand, Te Iti Kahurangi. I love listening to this waiata (song) because it has one of our teachers in it, Whaea Mana who is one of our bi-lingual teachers at Peachgrove Intermediate. At the moment she is very ill and won't be back until term 3. Room 11 and the Karioi team wish you a speedy recovery whaea and I look forward to jamming with you at lunch times on the guitar. CHUR MY MATE!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Bull-rush at School
Today at lunch time we had a hard out game of Bull-Rush. Two teachers, Matua Haami and Matua Darryn thought that running around a few kids would be easy peezy stuff. Little did they know that some of these kids eat 10 weetbix a day with steroids. "Players of the Day" were Ariana and John for their outstanding up the guts and fearless running through the middle.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Penicillin Pie
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Post PD Session
- Will this create more work for me?
- What about privacy issues?
- What's a "NING"?
- How can Technology (Specialist) staff be involved with blogging?
- How can having 50,000 hits to your classroom blog help improve your students academically?
As you can see, I had some interesting conversations with fellow colleagues and at the end of the session, I could sense that some teachers were skeptical about this whole blogging business. I kindly re-iterated to everyone that blogging isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's alright. One thing I didn't want to do was force my colleagues to create a classroom blog but rather, to offer them an insight into how they could use this as an engaged learning tool in their classroom.
A teacher suggested that we trial mountain group (Syndicate, etc) blogging. Our principal supports this idea and suggests that we trial this and report back to the rest of the staff at the end of the term.
Here at Peachgrove Intermediate, we operate by mountain groups which consists of 5-6 classrooms. Each class already has "ICT Consultants". They are trained to photocopy work for teachers, set up data projectors, turn on computers etc.
The plan is to have each classroom provide 2 responsible students - an ICT consultant and a blog editor. I will train these students to create, update and upload content to their MOUNTAIN GROUP BLOG. This could be quality work that they are doing in class or within their mountain group. After they have completed their blog post, it is to be saved as a draft copy. The classroom teacher will then do a final edit and inspection before the blog post is published.
What do you think of this idea - any suggestions?
The objective of this PD was to share my journey with others and to educate teachers that blogging can be a resourceful tool within and beyond classroom walls.
I would like to give a BIG shout out to Blogging GURU Allanah King. Thank you for giving up your time and sharing your blogging experiences. Teachers were buzzing when you came up on the screen. It was just a pity that there was a long delay - it was like watching a kung fu movie with no sub-titles!
Thanks everyone for commenting.