Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One more week!!!

Hows the holidays going room 9? I hope that everything is going well and that you're all wearing your seat belts when your travelling to and from Hamilton. Room 9ians I need your help. I'm feeling like a cheap skate father and I want to take my sons to places around Hamilton where it will cost me nothing, Got any ideas?

Places we've visited so far...
  1. The museum. (At the moment excite is under construction, repairs, something... I dunno, but it ain't open)
  2. Walking around the University
  3. Painting
  4. Journal Writing at home
  5. Basic Facts Maths at home
Any Idea's would be greatly appreciated

Anyone see me and my son in the Hamilton City News?


baby G said...

You could go to the Hamilton gardens? And Parana park near the river? Hamilton Farmers Market, Taitua Arboretum?(catch the bus into town!)saw you in the citynews too!

k-r-i-s-t-i-n-e said...

u can go to the pools. you can arrange with your parents for a day out of hamilton. maybe. you could always go on the blog bebo or something, go to your friends houses or town and go shopping(a personal favourite)

ryton said...

you look like a gang member from black power.

Anonymous said...

Geez uncle y were u in the news i wonder??

Intrepid Tiger said...

You can go for one of the many walks around town. :P