Sunday, October 12, 2008

New ICT tools to try for term 4

Hey my kids,

I want to give you all a heads up on some of the new and exciting ICT tools that we will look at this term. If you haven't already, you need to start by getting actively involved in blogging. So sign up at I will try and see if Mrs R can take off watch dog for a day to get everyone signed. Okie dokie.

  1. Twitter:
  2. Photoshop Express:
  3. Google Doc:
  4. Flicker:
  5. Second Life:
  6. Adobe Buzzword:

and heaps more stuff.... (Lets make this term the best ever room 9)
We will still be using Marvin to make the values posters. OK (I learnt some cool stuff about Marvin)

If any of you have any cool sites that might be beneficial to your classmates, blog it to our bloghettyblog. The more the better.

Collaborate, Innovate, Educate: Theme for Ulearn 2008

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