Sunday, March 15, 2009


Your next assignment will be to choose one of our 5 school values and make a short MARVIN animation presentation of how you use your particular value at school, home, on the sports field or, wherever.
The assignment will be assessed in 6 parts and will be for the duration of term 1, which is 3 weeks.

  1. Your storyboard: 10%

  2. Your MARVIN presentation 30%

  3. Your contribution to the "MARVIN help & tips" area. (located in the classroom blog). Every time you use MARVIN I would like you to share with the rest of the class what worked for you and what didn't. What you liked and what you found difficult. Your comments are very important, as this may help a student who is struggling with a certain problem using MARVIN that you found easy to do. 20%

  4. Uploading your MARVIN presentation to your own blog and the classroom blog 10%

  5. Teaching another student how to use MARVIN during the school wide PD 20%

  6. A personal reflection of your journey using MARVIN. What you liked? What you didn't like? and what you would do differently next time? (This will need to be written in your draft books and then published on your own blog. "Word count is 100 words"). 10%

Total 100%
Assignment is due 3:10 on Tuesday 7th April 2009
All final grades will be sent to your Gmail account by Thursday 9th April 2009.
(I will send a test email to make sure that your account is still active)

If you have any problems, just Hola!

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