Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ko te aroha

Here is a Maori Waiata (song) from some of the teachers at Peachgrove Intermediate School. As part of our Maori unit we will be using this video as a music tutorial for students to learn their kupu (words). This is a good way of learning a maori waiata because students can learn at school and at home. Lyrics and translation will be added soon.

Ko Te Aroha

Ko te aroha ano he wai
E pupu ake ana
He awa e mapuna mai ana
i roto i te whatu manawa

Ko tona matapuna he hohonu
a ina ia ka rere ano (x2)

He tai timu
He tai pari
He tai ope
He tairoa

He Tainui Repeat Waiata (Song)


bin10 said...

cool song

fluroPARTY! said...

that is soooooooooooooo cool! good voices.

WiLd ChiLd said...

cool so good yayayayayayayayayayyaya

Anonymous said...

WOW matua you got such a good voice man...

and with Whaea Mana and Mr Heta makes you sound like a super star haha...

hobo said...

that is sooooooooo cool!

Porkchops said...

this is a random song to listen to.

roxstarz4eva111 said...

AWSOME/"fully sick mate",thats what i would say if i was in aus.but....i ain't,so/ "mean as" guys you have really good singing voices!

Somali Princess said...

hi cool art word it looks awsome

Fart said...

funny and cool he he he he he hre

Darkchu said...

... *Can't find anything to say.*

Wm Chamberlain said...

Excellent job! I really enjoy listening and watching singing and dancing from Australia and New Zealand. My education is woefully inadequate with your cultures.
Mr. C

Porkchops said...

when are you going to put a new post on the blog?urumstis

Anonymous said...

Kia ora ki a koutou te whanau o te akomanga 11 o Peachgrove.

Love the blog tamariki ma. Awesome to see what you are all up to. Can I please suggest some changes to the lyrics of the song Ko te aroha as per below with the * where changes have been suggested. I remember teaching this song down the road from Peachgrove at Te Ara Rima.

Ko te aroha ano he wai
E pupu ake ana*
He awa e mapuna mai ana*
i roto i te whatu manawa

Ko tona matapuna he hohonu*
a ina ia ka rere ano (x2)

He taitimu
He taipari
He taiope
He tairoa*
He Tainui

Keep up the good work. Awesome singing by the way!!

Kia ora mai ano.

Unknown said...

nice song Te Aroha Accommodation.