Friday, June 26, 2009

Peachgove Intermediate's Chant


bin10 said...

that was very random in a good way

WiLd ChiLd said...

lol um not much movement but interesting

lewi da man said...

that was cool i liked the song at the start

shamalama said...

that was pretty cool but didn't really like it when you guys had to stop the music and stay a new one it should of been mixed.

lil miss sunshine said...

That was really kool

but should put a bit more movement into it!!!

Timelord299 said...

It was cool but i would like to see more movement.

fluroPARTY! said...

I reckon it was all right... They could of done better. Also the pause in between each song was a bit too long. But overall it was alright

kelly tim said...

I like the music but not some parts of the music and you guys changed the music in the wrong places.

Anonymous said...

this is just random the song was good at the start

JoJo MoJo said...

That was pretty Kool but it was a bit to long in the song pauses!!!
Anyway it was Kool.

M Webb said...

I was able to view the performance at Totara Park last night and I think that your school did a wonderful job. I liked the movement in unison and the effort that Peachgrove Intermediate students made to show teamwork.
Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato.

Anonymous said...

Yeaa I agree with the others the pause in the middle of each song wazzz GAYY !!! But the backflip from jesse I think wass AWESOME good way to end it !

Somali Princess said...
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Unknown said...

Wow pretty good peachgrove.

Ben Smith said...

wow pretty good Peachgrove