Saturday, June 27, 2009

Shuffle Dance Off WInners

As part of our Mufti Day, Whaea Christine and I ran a "Shuffle Off" in hall. This was hugely supported by students who voted these 6 boys as winnes of the 2009 "Shuffle Off."


Somali Princess said...

cool Shuffle

WiLd ChiLd said...

they're good at shuffling.

lewi da man said...

they are the best at shuffling!

shamalama said...

there pretty good at shuffling
thats why they won

Anonymous said...

Theyy are mean azz ....

The rock at shuffling booya....

lil miss sunshine said...

That was mean as shuffling

there gud as!!!!

PIZZA-PIE said...

they are da bomb at shuffling.

lil miss sunshine said...

there the BOMB at shuffling!!!!!!!!


basketballchamp said...

Kelvin and Tuf are the best in the hole school thats why they got some nice chocolate MMmMMMmMMMMmmmMm.

bin10 said...


bingo said...

cool and go whaea christien

Porkchops said...

I saw these videos you put up there matua and as a result, I think they are mean as at shuffling.

Skaaxx said...



Unknown said...

wats the song called