Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Techno Chicken

Far out man! As soon as I saw this I thought of Bobby. Stop Laughing room 9. What is the answer to this question. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? You must give me reasons for your answer. Best answer will receive a green egg from Mr Woody. Thats right, a green one not a white one.


ryton said...

so the coolist thing in my life and funnyist put some more on please

HamilTRON said...

Haha lol!
Crack up, Shot Matua. I'm Adnan In Rm5

bin10 said...

this is cool

MrWoody said...

It's true - I do have a hen that lays green eggs ! Her name is Veronica.

MrWoody said...

Cyber safety, Hamiltron!!!