Monday, March 02, 2009

Responsibility Power Point Assignment

Your assignment is to create a 6 slide power point presentation around one of the schools values, "Responsibility."

Each slide must include the following,

  • A picture (from the internet or using your own camera) showcasing responsibility.
  • An appropriate font style with an appropriate font size.
  • Appropriate colours.
  • An appropriate background e.g. using a gradient style fill.
  • If you would like to send a link to another website or video clip you may do so but this does not have to be displayed on the every page.
  • A 7th page will need to be added as a reference page, displaying where you got all your resources and websites from.

*Try and be witty with the wording of each slide. E.g. For the value fairness, I had a student who made a poster of two boys eating a cake with writing down the bottom saying,
"I'll cut, you choose." Fairness: It's the icing on the cake!

At a later stge I will teach you all how to upload your presentation to your blog and classroom blog. This will also be judged and commented by your peers from room 11, (maybe even from another class)

I will put onto the blog an exampe later tonight

Enjoy this assignment bloghetty bloggers


Due Date: 6th March 2009


shamalama said...

Hey matua how do you get rid of videos on you blog

shamalama said...

Hey matua how do you get rid of videos on you blog