Wednesday, March 04, 2009

What are your thoughts on corporal punishment?

Writing Topic:
Do you think that "Corporal Punishment" should come back into schools?

Yesterday I was reflecting on my secondary years as a student and pondered about corporal punishment. This sparked huge discussion with room 11 students as they all had an opinion to share. If you have an opinion, comment on this blog

Please excuse student puntuation and grammatical errors.


bin10 said...

No, because it is not fair because if you did not do it and you got punished you will have to pay the price for someone else.and it will hurt so much that thay could bring a bat to school and wack all the teachers around the head for giving kids the strape.

WiLd ChiLd said...

because there will e no one at scahool.Then the teachers will be on the street.Then there will be no education, so then everyone would be home schooled, and it really hurts so i say no corpal punishment........

fluroPARTY! said...

I think there should be corporal punishment because some people are realy naughty and dont get much of a punishment . I know some people think this is bad but.... it still needs rules like if you are really bad(like getting expelled. That kind of bad!)So you can still learn inn school.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the statement because when people go to school they go there to learn,not to get whips or injured.If you let your children go to school you expect them to come home happy and have learnt something.The only reason why you go to school is to learn and make friends.

Timelord299 said...

I think there should be corporal punishment.I think there should be the strap and the cane becouse it will hurt but the kids would try not to be bad,it would make a scar but it would remind them not to be bad.It would tell the parents that there been bad.

lil miss sunshine said...

No because if they did that to students they probley wouldn't come to school and it would be really sore that you couldn't be able to write

Ronaldiniho said...

I disagree because some parents could complain like everyday.Some kids might wag school all the time.
There could be a kid who has a problems he could snap and could hurt someone

cristiano ronaldo said...

NO,because it is illegal to hit childrern that are not yours. children would get really nailed and have very,very sore hands and it would not be fair on the children because if they are not very good at something they would get the strap or the cane. if my teacher gave me the strap or the cane i would lay them a smack around the head and then hit them with the cane or the strap and then gap it home and never go back to that school again.

hobo said...

i agree with this statement because people always talk and chat to their friends.But teacers should not strap kids on purpose

JoJo MoJo said...

I disagree because everyone would start telling everyone not to come to the school.The teachers will not have anyone to teach.Some people use to get the strap for writing on your lefthand.

Fart said...

I disagree because kids will come home with scrapes and bruies. Sometimes they won't worry about work they will worry adout geting straped.

bingo said...

No,I think there should'nt be corporal punishment at school. Bacause it makes adults hit kids, when there an adult. One reason is because it makes the kids/adults have a rough life

lewi da man said...

No because the parents might complain. The children might get hurt and they might cry. Its to harsh for the children. They are to little and they might start wagging school. The parent will think they are at school.The kids will it they should just give them a detention.

Waikato Girl said...

This is so awsome i love BLOGING but i think i need some more time

the joker said...

i agree becauseso wen you get hit you go home and then you do not to go to school because you do not have to write more and more and then i will tell my mum and then she will not sent me to school but i will tell my mum that to tell what are they doing and then i will say don't talk to them about it ok so that the end of me see you LATER SEE A.

roxstarz4eva111 said...

NO,beacause i think its cruel and harsh,i think it doesn't
do. Anything,discipline is to teach kids right from wrong and to help them learn from it rather than regret it.Sometimes it can make kids depressed or unhappy etc:or even want to stay home from school,and they won't learn anything,besides there are always
less harm ful options like detention

ryton said...

no it is not right for someone to get the cane if they didn't do anything.

Anonymous said...

i fink it shod never even hav bean mad up in the ferst place. and it shodent be even sed to a student of peach grove school

Porkchops said...

No because violence does not solve anything. I don't want to be scared about going to school. There is enough violence in the community already, like yesterday a student stabbed his teacher in class because he felt the teacher picked on him. School is supposed to be safe And corporal punishment does not make me feel safe.

Ben Smith said...

I think no because it would be hard on kids and they wouldn't like to come to school if they were strapped

BigK said...

I reckon that todays school children should not get the strap or the canne because if the teachers were the student and student were the teachers they whould'nt like it if they were getting strap or the canne

shamalama said...

No, because you could get hurt badly by those straps and canes And because your parents will get really angry with you and stuff will get taken off you,by your parents.

WiLd ChiLd said...


WiLd ChiLd said...


WiLd ChiLd said...
