Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Peachgrove Sports Class Karate Training

Here at Peachgrove Intermediate we are very fortuate to have a year 8 sports class. As well as doing the usual curriculum subjects, room 9 are involved in a 12 month Karate development led by "Davies Karate" instructors, Shihan Duayne Davies and Sensei Penita Davies. This husband and wife duo are both qualified and highly respected by other dojo's around the world.

If you have a question that you would like to ask Shihan, Sensei or any of the sports class students about Karate or sports programmes please comment to this blog post.


Anonymous said...

Yes your certainly right about being privellaged enough to have a sports class for all the people that like sports....

it's AWESOME...

fluroPARTY! said...

Sensei what got you into Karate?

hobo said...

How long have you been doing karate?
When did you teach kauri?

C.ronaldo4life said...

Wow you guys are awesome at karate what age did you guys become black belts?

bin10 said...

How hard is it to learn karate?

lewi da man said...

Has anyone knocked you out before?

shamalama said...

have you ever killed someone?
whats your fastest k.o?

Fart said...

Have you ever faced a hard strong person before and is cool to be the best at karate?

kelly tim said...

How long do you have to practice everyday?

When did you learn karate?

Timelord299 said...

How long do you train?

Somali Princess said...

what got you into karate

WiLd ChiLd said...

How long do you think you have been doing karate?

Darkchu said...

Are you only allowed to use karate if you or your family are in danger outside the training and teaching?
Have you ever broken any of your opponents' bones?

basketballchamp said...

What's the fastest time you knocked some one out Shiehan?

PIZZA-PIE said...

how long have you been doing karate for?

M Webb said...

Sensei, What was your insperation to get into Karate?

It looks like tons of fun for a sports class in your school for students who enjoy sports

From Vika

M Webb said...

This is a relly cool site to look at I woud not want to mess with them,
from melville.room8.blogspot

M Webb said...

Wow that was awsome karate I sure would like to do karate I wish we had karate our school.

Melville,Hamiltion,New Zealand
Room 8

lil miss sunshine said...

How long have you been doing karate for?

Porkchops said...

Question to Sense: How many students have you tought?

fluroPARTY! said...

How long have you been doing karate?

Anonymous said...

When did you start karate and when did you become a black belt???

Arsenals Black belt said...

Hi im one of the student in the video and i love karate ive been doing it for 4 years now and do comps and its so thrilling ive got one goal and thats to beat kauri!!

Porkchops said...

Karate almost's looks like Yoga.